Vroid Blue Sparkle Dress
- ダウンロード商品Blue sparkle dress¥ 400
- ダウンロード商品Blue sparkle shoes¥ 300
- ダウンロード商品Blue sparkle tights¥ 100
Happy New Year everyone! Do you wish to sparkle and feel the calm of the blue ocean? Well with this outfit you can! Dress instructions: Go to Outfit, select "Dress"", select "Custom" and add a template for "pencil skirt" and add the dress texture! Remember to delete the default template and you're good to go! Knee socks or socks instructions: Go to "Socks" and select "Custom" and simply add the stocking texture and delete the default template! Shoes instructions: Outfit, "Shoes" select "Custom" and pick "Heels" Remember to delete the default layer for best result! Thank you for your purchase and enjoy the new year!
Term of use
- You are not allowed to sell, claim this as your own or redistribute these items or the textures. - You are welcome to use these items for vtubing, streaming and videos. - Don't forget to upload a photo on your social media and credit me for it so I can see how beautiful you look! My twitter is @Sunnylucy88